Saturday 18 April 2009

PROLE NARC THREAT: Bring back the solvent menace!

Whatever happened to solvent abuse? Growing up in the 90s it always figured as something of a folk memory, something older siblings did, largely out of fashion by the time I hit the age of experimentation (I'm sure we all tried it, but once better drugs were available/we went square, it was abandoned). It's a shame such a noble working class tradition seems to have become so endangered.

When pursued to sufficient lengths, the solvent experience can be as intense and enlightening as anything in the psychoactive realm, and there's something poetic about achieving Nirvana through absolute social degradation, like graveyard-dwelling Tibetan monks. I'm reminded of certain fringe Christian sects who believed that only by entering the very depths of sin could true reconciliation with god be achieved.

We abuse the mundane products of post-industrial society to escape reality completely, shun the slumming, risk-fetishising thrills of illegal drug use and turn the tools of society and reason against their makers. So come on, all the cool kids are doing it.

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